Saturday, December 25, 2010

Rejoice, Rejoice, Our Savior is Born!!!!

The above song gives me goosebumps… infact, moves me to tears… it’s not just a song for me… it’s the celebration of the Savior’s birth… giving victory over Satan. Honestly, I can’t stop singing this…

Luke Chapter 2, verses 1-20 illustrates the birth of Christ, our Lord. What moves deep within me is the entry or the creation of the man that the whole world adores & worships, had no fancy approach, no festivity. His birth was in the most humble & simple manner anyone could imagine; Joseph & Mary couldn’t find a guest room & so Mary had to wrap baby Jesus in simple cloths & was place him in a manger.

His way in, symbolizes gentleness, meekness & humility… He always proved himself to be a humble servant, with no prejudice, no selfishness. He came into this world from above to live a lowly life… despite the fact that HE was the chosen one by God…

What does the birth of Jesus teach us? Does this remind us of any of the virtues of the Lord? Yes-Humbleness, Meekness & Patience.

Christmas, for me (& am sure for many), symbolizes the Christ’s virtues… mentioned above.

So dear ones, let us all try our best to follow his example by being humble, meek & patient in our ways/dealings… I normally don’t take resolutions for the New Year, but this time, this is going to be my resolution… to practice the lord’s way & to please him in all my deeds…

I’d like to end by wishing you all a very bright & cheerful Christmas. May this Christmas be really very special, that you never ever feel lonely & be bounded by the Lord’s love & grace…